Ecommerce Marketplaces are a great place for online merchants to promote their products outside of comparison engines and their own websites. Online marketplaces are websites aggregating product information from wide variety of sellers, millions of users search for and compare products to purchase online.
The Store is integrated with the most popular marketplaces:
You can give your customers a way to buy in your store without ever leaving the Instagram app by tagging products in your posts and stories. Instagram uses a Facebook Shop catalog to find and tag products. Once your products are tagged, customers can see a bag icon and tap a link to view the item’s name, pricing, description, extra photos, and a direct link to your store product page to further purchase a product.
You can sync and connect your Facebook Shop with your Instagram business profile in a couple of clicks. As a result, you'll have multiple sales channels — your product catalog will appear on your website, Facebook Page and Instagram – and you can manage catalog and orders from the store control panel.
For more information, see Sell on Instagram (Third Party Store).
eBay is perhaps one of the best know marketplaces out there with more than 150 million buyers. The store allows you to export your products to eBay and track your inventory and orders right here, in your control panel. Use it as an additional storefront to grow your store sales and accelerate business growth.