The Products page of the application provides a list of products from your E-Store.
To access the Products page, click Sell Online, and then click Manage Store. Click Other Channels, click b, and then click the Products tab.
On this page, you can search for and select which products from your E-Store that you’d like to list on Shopee. You can filter your products by category, stock level and synchronization status.
You can also use this page to assign or change the categories and shipping channels for your products in Shopee. You can see and change the current synchronization status for your products here, too.
To ready a product for synchronization and view its details, click the Edit Product button.
A product card contains the following information:
Information about the product that you have added in your E-store: product image, product name, product SKU, product quantity, product price.
Details specific to the Shopee integration: ID of the imported product on Shopee side, synchronization toggle, number of unsynchronized product variations if the product has variations, category in Shopee, shipping channels in Shopee, product synchronization status.
Synchronization Status
With the application, you can import products from your E-Store to your Shopee seller account and synchronize product price and quantity changes. On the Products page you can find each product synchronization status. To update the product synchronization statuses on the Products page or Product Details page, at the top of the page, click Refresh Sync Status.
The following describes the synchronization statuses:
This status means that the product was successfully imported or its price/quantity were synchronized. Next to the status icon you can see the date of the latest successful synchronization. -
Sync not enabled
This status means that the product can not be imported/synchronized into Shopee because the product does not have the required fields from Shopee provided. To import the product or enable its synchronization, go to the product details page by clicking Edit product next to the product and follow the instructions there. For more information about synchronization conditions see section Possible errors and troubleshooting on the product details. -
Waiting for sync
This status means that product is ready for import/synchronization and you should enable the synchronization switcher, or that the product already has the switcher enabled and it's waiting in the synchronization queue (in this case no actions are required from you, you should wait while the application completes the product import/synchronization). -
Sync error
This status means that the product was sent for synchronization, but Shopee returned an error trying to create/modify the product.
Products in Shopee have a number of requirements for the content of certain fields, depending on the country. If the restrictions are not met, a synchronization error results. For more information on the requirements by country, see Product Requirements.
Change Product Category and Shipping Channels
On the Products page, you can change a product Shopee category and shipping channels without visiting the product details page.
The product synchronization status can change to:
Synchronization Note Available/Enabled
This means that after a category change, the newly selected category may have mandatory attributes that need to be completed in order to perform the product synchronization. Go to the Product Details page by clicking Edit Product next to the product and fill in the required fields. For more information, see Errors and Troubleshooting on Product Details.Waiting for Synchronization
Means that there were no changes to the attributes after the product category change, and you can turn on the synchronization for the product.
Product Synchronization State
On the Products page you can change each product synchronization state. You can always disable synchronization for a specific product. It is possible to enable a product synchronization unless the product has Sync not enabled status (in this case the product attributes are not completed).
Important note on the rules of product synchronization:
- The application synchronizes all product data (including name, price, sku, quantity, image) in the following cases:
- The product is imported for the first time from E-Store to Shopee.
- The product synchronization was turned off and then turned on later again, including the automatic state change in case Sync error happened.
- Once the product is imported to Shopee, its price and quantity changes may be synchronized to Shopee, depending on the general synchronization settings (set on the Settings page).
- The changes done to the product Shopee fields (for example, category, shipping channels, attributes values) within the application are synchronized to Shopee..
- Please note that a listing gets a Published/Live status on the Shopee side once it is synchronized to the Shopee. If you want to change any listing fields, you should do that in your Shopee account as soon as possible.